Morning Linkage (Feb 3) Thursday


I love this Ducati cafe for no bet­ter rea­son than the brass bezeled clock. le sigh

This one is hard to post. Copenhagen has a live­ly cus­tom scene with some of my favorite builders. Many of them not­ed the cat­a­stroph­ic fire that result­ed in loss of Frank’s one of their HD go-to parts sup­pli­ers. James posts some pho­tos of the after­math. Sad, haunt­ing, beau­ti­ful pictures.

Art, Images, and Design

More for the qual­i­ty of the pho­to­graph of the first piece than the oth­er pieces in the series. String on a wall in Ravenna IT. By Moneyless.

Catwoman. (SFW) Yum. Bengal’s ver­sion is both coy and dark. Excellent com­bi­na­tion. More of Bengal. (NSFW)

Okay — these are just cute. And a lit­tle sil­ly. They’re all exam­ples of cre­at­ing a purpose-built device for what is a com­mon house­hold impro­vi­sa­tion. Orange rinds on the radi­a­tor, a small dish of cof­fee in the fridge… but the designs are min­i­mal and straight forward.

Animation and Moving Images

Nick Cross’s Pig Farmer. Violent and trag­ic. (Video 5:05 NSFW or Children — real­is­tic vio­lence and squealing)
