Morning Linkage (Feb 1)


Limits pro­duce the best design. The Metamorfosis Masiva is a Spanish cus­tomiz­ers chal­lenge that begins with SR250 and lim­its the cash out­lay to 1000 euros. No lim­it on time. The wrench­es detail is beyond cool. You can get more Metamorfosis cool­ness at their blog.

What to do with a wrecked Hypermotard

Sales brochures have always been a part of auto­mo­tive mar­ket­ing. And col­lect­ing those brochures is a sub-hobby all its own.  Charlie White has helped a col­lec­tor put up scans of a com­plete binder of the mate­ri­als sent to Porsche deal­ers for the 1955 line-up. 43 pages of Continental, Speedster, and Spyder lust.

Art, Images, and Design

Crucial news for pho­tog­ra­phy enthu­si­asts. Alan Taylor is mov­ing to the Atlantic and launch­ing a new pho­to blog there. The Big Picture will con­tin­ue to be pub­lished by the Boston Globe but Alan’s par­tic­u­lar eye and vision will be mov­ing on. He talks about it here.

Bright, bold, and full of life. Danni Xi’s paper col­lages put my in mind of Mattise’s lat­er work, but with a strong hint of trib­al vitality.

Low relief paper sculp­tures by Cheong-ah Hwang aka: Papernoodle. Birds, still-lifes, sea crea­tures, Red, and Alice. The flickr stream is full of process shots as well. And you can buy the prints at the etsy shop.

My nom­i­nee for best eye­brows on an imag­i­nary crea­ture. Phlegm’s sea mammal.

Animation and Moving Images

You may be hav­ing a bad day but not *this* bad. Part  2 of a high­lights reel from a Tamil film called ROBOT.  Wait ’til you see the cobra… and the drill… and the mega-robot.  Cartoon vio­lence and insane robot may­hem. (Video 9:49)

There’s a part 1 as well. More com­e­dy but less insane robot awe­some. And heav­en only knows why the Borg cube is there. (Video 9:49)

A bit more sooth­ing­ly. Beach sand as a medi­um for stop-motion ani­ma­tion. Sea tur­tles, mer­maids, and a mon­ster. (Music video 3:43) Yuval and Merav Nathan
