It’s not a bad looking bike — at all. H‑D pitches to the youngsters. No blondes allowed?
A bit of French history, a pretty lady on a bike, and a Comiot tricycle.
Ralph Steadman illustrates Hunter Thompson on a Ducati. Perfect match.
The GSX 1100 designation has been with us for a very long time. This item from the 80’s is one of the reasons why.
From WSU. Why the nice guys get voted off the island. Proper title of the paper: “The Desire to Expel Unselfish Members from the Group”. Humans are so weird.
Point and click adventure games are always popular with the “I don’t wanna shoot more stuff” crowd. Mostly they’re based on various polygon rendering engines. But Cockroach is building some thing a little different. Clay and actual model making are used to create stop-motion sequences for The Dream Machine. A haunted apartment complex… and a game for grown ups. You can play a demo or sign up for the beta test of chapter one here.
Art, Images, and Design
I have a new comic in the RSS reader. Try this one with the flying car.
Humans make unintentional art by their actions. A collection of photographs of all of the contraband brought in to the USA via Kennedy International Airport from Nov 16 to Nov 20, 2009.
Food, visual puns, and nicely done letterpress work. Letterform does a series of sweet greeting cards.
We welcome our mysterious cat-head overlords? Um, demonic, teddy bears? I have no idea but it’s fun and goes well with too many lattes. (Video 0:57)
snack time!