The most wonderful vehicle in the world (according to several of my friends) is the VW bus. In this case, the iconic split-window version with company logos and colors.
Nice visual wrap up to the Cannonball Endurance Rally. (Vintage bikes)
Moving a little faster. This video teaches you “How to Lean on a BMW S1000RR” The lack of steering head movement (except when pulling the clutch) is astonishing. (Video)
Righthaven, a name that you never want to see on an envelope in today’s mail. The single-purpose copyright enforcement law firm has finally offered up the perfect (?) case for the EFF to test the limits of fair-use in the web.
Art, Images, and Design
All our stuff. In the 1990’s Peter Menzel made a series of photographs for a book about all our stuff. 30 families outside their homes will all their possessions around them. Material World: A Global Family Portrait. (NPR gives 12 of the original 30 portraits.) And now two Chinese photographers have repeated the exercise for the diverse regions of China.
High Def isn’t just for TV. HaltaDefinizione. HAL9000 uses new tech to produce incredibly detailed images of old pictures. Stunning. Read about the technology here. Look at the images here (in Italian — just click on stuff you’ll be fine.)
A1One has been working the streets of Tehran for quite a while now. This limited edition of prints combines traditional Persian calligraphy and his own sig style. I also admire his recycling of used spray cans.
time to fix more borken stuff,