Morning Linkage (Nov 8)


Mooneyes, Yokohama Custom Show. Yeah — none of us are gonna be there but this getting-ready video gives a nice overview of cus­tom bike and rod builders in the US at the moment. “Demo reel” for this year and last year. Nice video — nasty music.

Much more fun can be had on the Mooneyes web­site. The loud, crowd­ed feel of a 60’s hot rod mag­a­zine in a brows­er. And they sell dog toys? (Hidden Diaz bonus: pho­tos from a VW Type 2 par­ty in Sept.)

A lit­tle clas­sic Ducati to get your moto week off to a good start.

Food and Science

Truffles, black truf­fles not the choco­late kind, have com­pli­cat­ed sex lives. And same-sex dorms.

The sweet irony of find­ing dinosaur fos­sils in church mar­ble is too hard to pass up. And the bonus of the rec­om­men­da­tions for a cou­ple of cool urban geol­o­gy books makes this a must-link for a Monday.

Art, Images, and Design

Explosions of organ­ic shapes and col­or. Many lay­ered cut paper cre­ations of Simone Lourenco. Much, much more in the port­fo­lio.

Apparently I am hope­less­ly out of date. Not only can’t iden­ti­fy most of the musi­cians asso­ci­at­ed with these clothes when I looked up the answers I did­n’t know who a good hand­ful of them were. Can you do bet­ter? Ensemble: The Style of Music, 20 musi­cians iden­ti­fied by their clothing.

More images from music. This essay on Elvis Presley fea­tures some of the best rock and roll pho­tog­ra­phy. Black and whites from the 50’s and 60’s.

We make our cities in our own images. And when we make films we make new cities to express our new vision. A look at a hand­ful of icon­ic cin­e­ma cities going back to 1927 (Metropolis.)

alright my dears, let’s make this week just a smidgen bet­ter than last week shall we?
