Morning Linkage (May 17)


Photographers Guerry and Prat (no web­site yet) are mak­ing very spe­cial por­traits of very spe­cial bikes. This Vincent Rapid is swoon worthy.

Equally black and ele­gant look­ing is this ’68 CB450 K1 also shot by Guerry and Prat.

Rumor has it… and the prices have been announced. Buell race machines from $16,900. Also “Erik Buell Racing is report­ing that is has a few track­day bikes…” for $10,500 get yours now.

Tech and Gadgets

Code Swarm is a soft­ware project visu­al­iza­tion tool. Not a visu­al­iza­tion of the code, but of the team and it’s func­tion­ing as revealed by the activ­i­ty in the source code con­trol system.

It’s a lit­tle bit out of order, but here’s the code swarm view of the ilomi­lo game devel­op­ment project. If you look down in Art, Images, and Design you can find the trail­er for the game.

Art, Images, and Design

Anamorphic pub­lic art isn’t new. But the sim­ple, brush-stroke based lines used to cre­ate these illu­sions are so much less aggres­sive and threat­en­ing that the charm just oozes. Toronto sub­way system.

Ilomilo — a new xbox game for the pas­tel rompers set. But oh my the love­ly graph­ics. I got­ta agree with the gent on boing-boing who said he want­ed the flop­py eared dog fish as a plushy toy. Trailer (Music)

Someones very sassy grand­ma. Vintage sum­mer photo.

hap­py zom­bie day…
