Morning Linkage (Mar 4)


Purple Helmets, the Isle of Man TT half-time stunt team. Very British
— in a Benny Hill, wellies and slick­ers, kin­da way. (Sound)

Wrench Monkees begin build­ing a bit­sa. Where did that pur­ple frame
come from? Updates as they happen.

Desmo dou­ble front-wheel trike. Very bizarre and head­line writ­ers take
note, no way in hell is this an ATV. More pics.

I love the tail treat­ment on this Triumph Thunderbird. Such a sweet, round butt.



This is one of the most con­sis­tent­ly beau­ti­ful blogs that I know of.
There’s noth­ing more spe­cial about this post than any of the others,
but take a cou­ple of min­utes to enjoy the rest­ful images and ideas .
La Tartine Gourmande.

Graphic nov­els and comics are, for me, the one com­pelling application
for the iPad. Here’s an exam­ple of why.



Bryce Wymer is the Art Directory for Digital Kitchen. They did a nice
ani­mat­ed mur­al for the 2010 Census.
You can watch them put the com­mer­cial togeth­er in this video.
He puts also puts huge chunks of his sketch books on his blog.

I want to be the red haired girl in Lynne Naylor’s hap­py wilder­ness pic­tures.

Visual, typo­graph­ic pun, with a nod to Marley.

That’s all for today my friend­ly pump­kin wonders
