Purple Helmets, the Isle of Man TT half-time stunt team. Very British
— in a Benny Hill, wellies and slickers, kinda way. (Sound)
Wrench Monkees begin building a bitsa. Where did that purple frame
come from? Updates as they happen.
Desmo double front-wheel trike. Very bizarre and headline writers take
note, no way in hell is this an ATV. More pics.
I love the tail treatment on this Triumph Thunderbird. Such a sweet, round butt.
This is one of the most consistently beautiful blogs that I know of.
There’s nothing more special about this post than any of the others,
but take a couple of minutes to enjoy the restful images and ideas .
La Tartine Gourmande.
Graphic novels and comics are, for me, the one compelling application
for the iPad. Here’s an example of why.
Bryce Wymer is the Art Directory for Digital Kitchen. They did a nice
animated mural for the 2010 Census.
You can watch them put the commercial together in this video.
He puts also puts huge chunks of his sketch books on his blog.
I want to be the red haired girl in Lynne Naylor’s happy wilderness pictures.
Visual, typographic pun, with a nod to Marley.
That’s all for today my friendly pumpkin wonders