Morning Linkage (Jun 9)


It’s all about the life style right? Triumph for your body. The Spring 2010 col­lec­tion. Video. (NSFWunder­wear)

A motor­car­ri­er is one of those three wheeled things with a car­go bed held up over two wheels in the front and a sin­gle dri­ven wheel behind the ‘rid­er’ in the back. Very agri­cul­tur­al, and of course it can be raced. Helmets do not appear to be required.

There are sev­er­al day’s worth of motor­car­ri­er rac­ing videos on YouTube is you need more bad ideas. The Dutch are bored, real­ly bored.

Loverly Ariel with enclosed side­car. (Thanks EdW.)

Tech and Gadgets

Very good news for the Pacific Northwest weath­er geeks. We’re get­ting our radar a year early!!

Toys that teach lan­guage are a favorite gift from the aun­tie. These kan­ji char­ac­ters trans­form into the ani­mal named. Maybe the next sproglet needs to learn Japanese.

Art, Images, and Design

I work stand­ing up so I would­n’t have the prob­lem of sand inter­fer­ing with the cast­ers on my chair. Eternal beach.

I don’t think I can rec­om­mend this website/blog as a great exam­ple of infor­ma­tion trans­fer but I love the way it looks. The RSS feed makes it pos­si­ble to actu­al­ly read what the own­er actu­al­ly has to say.(Matt Mullenweg is one of the mavens of WordPress.)

Stylized por­traits of the roy­als and their retain­ers from the Mughal empire. How can such visu­al­ly busy pic­tures be so serene?

keep it going…
