One of the necessary but confusing parts of traveling is figuring out the taxi system in various countries. How do I hail a taxi? Do I negotiate? Do I tip? Is it safe for single females? What the heck does a taxi look like anyway? In Japan they might just have one of these cute little signs on top. (Photo gallery navigation challenge.)
Custom scooter. No clue. No comment. Well, okay, maybe that he should trim the tie-ties. Equally bizarre translation of the website by Google here.
Previously mentioned here for a video of a custom bike arriving at a tea ceremony (seriously.) This new vid of custom builder Shinya Kimura captures the mood and attitude of the builder and his bikes. Pure Monday morning inspiration. My favorite of his bikes, for the moment. The Barracuda.
Thinking about airspace and airspace regulations. The referenced article is good. The proposed “museum” is intriguing.
Mapping the degree of touristy. No, I didn’t make that word up, someone else did. Heat map of photo-tag frequency gives you an idea how many camera toting dweebs you are likely to encounter.
Art, Images, and Design
Tim Flach highlights the exaggerated, almost freakish, perfection of his subjects — show dogs, bats, and other animals. Watch the dog walk across the screen and then click on Portfolio. NSFW after image #38.
Cathy Gatland gives a quick look at the World Cup fever sweeping SA with a couple of street corner portraits.
A nice set of black and white interference illusions. Soothing music.
Not really animation but puppets. The coarsely violent origins of the muppets; Henson did ads for Wilkin’s Coffee. Poor Wontkins gets done-in in amazing ways.
Off you go now…