Hell for Leather brings you the Garage Company in it’s new location. View full screen and scroll right for for tons of photos.
Pissed Off Pete. A log truck converted to hot rod and drag racer. No accounting for taste. I just like it.
This is the prettiest restoration I’ve seen in a while. ’37 Sunbeam. Bike that is. Enjoy the gallery.
Um, I think I may have been mistaken a couple of weeks ago when I told you about how the moon makes the tides. Kitteh explains to Pip.
More from Creature Cast. If you hold your breathe when you dive into the deep end of the pool, what does a Nautilus do when it dives into the deep end of the ocean? Hold it’s heart like a turtle.
Art, Images, and Design
Carlo Gianferro takes photographs of domestic interiors. A unique and profoundly effective form of portraiture. These pictures of gypsy interiors and their inhabitants introduced me to a visual language that I have never seen. A chaotic mashup of Eastern and Western styles. Baroque and super-saturated. I want the red kitchen :-)
The exteriors of the gypsy houses are as much of a pastiche as the interiors.
And now a simple, utilitarian design to cleanse the mind palette. A transit pass good for the week of Jun 24, 1939 bearing an advertisement for the Moose Circus. — 20 thrilling acts, too big for roof or tent! — Found in a copy of Witch Wood by John Buchanan.
The wandering bear returns today, there may be no linkage tomorrow.