Morning Linkage (Jun 11)


There’s no way to link into Lucy Pepper’s blog to get at this love­ly lit­tle sketch of a tod­dler on his pop­pa’s scoot­er.

If you like Lucy’s style click through for her unique take on life as an ex-pat in Portugal.Her lit­tle Piaggio sketch is a grin too.

I do not know how I feel about this. Somehow it puts me in mind of a 1970’s won­der woman car­toon. That can’t be good can it? Harris?

Suzuki again, this time a frame for the Savage.

Scientific Shopping

Next place to spend too much mon­ey. The Evolution Store. Tons of nat­ur­al his­to­ry good­ies and creepy lit­tle treasures.

Society: Politics and Trivia

The dig­i­tal age of pol­i­tics has arrived, like it or not. The expert use of dig­i­tal media will be cru­cial in deter­min­ing the win­ners and losers. Google rolls out tools for cam­paigns and cam­paign­ers. Sometimes it’s hard to remem­ber that sauce for the goose (your favorite may­or) is sauce for the gan­der (your least favorite coun­ty coun­cil member)

America is Number 1 in ser­i­al killers. Canada is num­ber 1 in fruit juice drinkers. Because every coun­try is best at something…

Art, Images, and Design

As Good as Any God is made of wood, paint, and nails. Which is kind of like say­ing trees are made of wood  and water. It only gets bet­ter with Embracing Stochasticity, One Hundred Percent Savage, and Idol for the Absurd. There’s a sin­gle in progress shot in this set — pon­der and be boggled.

AJ Fosik talks about his work.

Le Creative Sweatshop. Cute name. Deadly seri­ous about com­mer­cial paper art. Tons of work for the fash­ion indus­try. You’ll love the first cou­ple of images in the La Rinascente installation.


Maniacal beats, mor­ph­ing char­ac­ters, and a case of the mir­rored uni­vers­es. Love and Theft by Film Bilder. (NSFW — car­toon nudes)

BTW check out youTube’s goog­lesque logo homage (foot­ball!)

see you again next week
