Morning Linkage (Dec 14)


We’ve had some bad weath­er around here late­ly. Too much rain leads to sat­u­rat­ed ground which leads to mud and rock slides. Here’s one of the fab pics from the WA-DOT of some of the clear­ing activ­i­ty. This one is on Chuckanut Drive a bit north of here.

Something spe­cial for afi­ciona­dos of the small­er makes. A visu­al his­to­ry of KTM. Sadly with­out iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion for the bikes. Still fun.


Perhaps all those flood myths in the mid­dle east have a basis in a pre­vi­ous round of glob­al warm­ing? Are the remains of a once thriv­ing civ­i­liza­tion damply wait­ing for us beneath the Persian Gulf.

Art, Design, and Images

A lit­tle over the top for most office recep­tion areas but if you have the need… TF2 sen­try gun. (WETA, of course)

Thomas Perkins draws trip­tych comics. Every day. On his three kids’ lunch bags. And he posts them for the rest of us to enjoy.


Is it even pos­si­ble that I did not post this the first time I saw it? BLU makes ani­ma­tion on build­ings. Really. The evo­lu­tion of life on earth.

There you go my dears, see you tomorrow.
