Morning Linkage (Dec 13)


That Enduro XT sure is cute. Well fet­tled too.

I was all set to show you the newest Fat Attack show bike when I acci­den­tal­ly clicked on the pre­vi­ous post link. Thank god. Or we all would have missed this beau­ty. 1928 Moto Guzzi racer.

And here’s that Fat Attack. H&R Erbacher The One. Just because a flat black hyper-bike is a good fit for a Monday.


Completely, utter­ly squee. Red pan­das on live cam spon­sored by Firefox.

Art, Images, and Design

Entry point for Lee Misenheimer’s flickr stream. Curly lines make for both sin­is­ter and amus­ing creatures.

A change of pace from the usu­al water­col­or or pen and ink sketch­es. Quickly scrib­bled pas­tels give the col­or and shape of Autumn trees.

This is the nicest wed­ding invi­ta­tion I’ve seen in ages. And at the LeBrea Tar Pits. Couldn’t be more roman­tic.


I want to see this .… when it’s done. Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.
