Morning Linkage (Dec 9)


Because you real­ly need to know how engine ori­en­ta­tion of a Melkus affects the design of it’s rear hatch. A col­lec­tion of cut away draw­ings of cars. Thousands of them.

Bobbers, meh. Hondas, meh. On the oth­er hand — this maroon beau­ty does the thing up right.

le sigh. Really if you don’t get this…


Once again we may dis­cov­er that there was once water where this now a desert.

Could I be any hap­pi­er? Animation and sea crea­tures. The Secret of the Stomatopod Strike.

Art, Images, and Design

Words and pic­tures. Such won­der­ful pic­tures. Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Simple, col­or­ful, images of ani­mals from Russian chil­dren’s books. Boris Kalaushin.

Someone is bound to com­plain that there images depict cru­el and dan­ger­ous treat­ment of chil­dren. I sug­gest instead that Jason Lee’s pic­tures of kids reflect n the fun and goofi­ness that chil­dren them­selves imagine.

off you go…
