Morning Linkage (Apr 9)


A nice over-restoration (I made that word up) of a Honda CBX1000. The head­er pipes are rad.

Another CBX, this time in near orig­i­nal con­di­tion. More pics and details on the bike as you slide right in the viewport.


Pretty pho­to­graph and expla­na­tion of The Belt of Venus over the Valley of the Moon. Okay, the title is the coolest part but the pic­ture will make you a lit­tle dreamy too.

Art, images, and Design

Here are some shots from the NYC Easter Parade. Random good­ness. It’s worth a chunk of time to click on  the “Mark Tucker” at the top and explore some of his oth­er posts. There are days when his slide into a
brand of slick com­mer­cial por­trai­ture is cloy­ing and oth­ers when it is odd­ly calm­ing. And then there are the moments of genius like these can­did shots from the NYC Easter Day parade. (Talent is often for

Six pos­si­ble cos­tumes for your next big event. Provided you don’t have hay fever. Weedrobes — Nicole Dextras’ ephemer­al cou­ture for sum­mer and prints from the pho­tographs. You’ll like the win­ter Iceworks as well but they aren’t as wearable.

Su Blackwell’s ver­sion of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party fea­tures a well cutout Alice look­ing on curi­ous­ly. all of Ms. Blackwell’s book sculp­tures are just plain fun.



The music is stan­dard pop, love song, but the video is too ter­ri­bly twee with all of those clever match­box­es. The Navigators “Dinner at My Place

And then I found the entire set of match­box­es in one place.

and there you have it — anoth­er per­fect­ly good week wast­ed with…


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