Morning Linkage (Apr 20)


Very pret­ty bicy­cles.

A love­ly, par­tial­ly built out Triumph Scrambler. Clean look­ing and I like the low­er look.

One of the women in my stone set­ting class is Austrian. We had a gig­gle the oth­er day nam­ing Austrian motor­cy­cle com­pa­nies that no one else in the class had ever heard of — all of them — and then rem­i­nisc­ing about the lit­tle Puch mope­ds.

Some damned sil­ly stunt­ing on 99 between Eugene and Junction City. In, um, 1938. Sweetness. (Music)


Food and Packaging

Chocolate is good. The odd­ly uneven break-lines on the Bold bar are fun. The orange peel in dark choco­late just begs for taste test­ing. The white choco­late with green tea is utter­ly unap­pe­tiz­ing even if the pack­age is pretty.


Art, Images, and Design

Illustrator Iv Irlov’s work is famil­iar to many mag­a­zine read­ers. Here’s a selec­tion of his most recent images. I love the stomp­ing robots he did for CEO Magazine.

Reading is dan­ger­ous. Just how dan­ger­ous is shown in these post­cards from Joost Swarte. Happy Tin-Tin feel­ing to the images.

I have no idea what’s tem­po­rary about Gideon Chase’s tem­po­rary blog but I love his work. Things are always bro­ken. Interestingly broken.

…anoth­er day anoth­er post…
