Morning Linkage (Apr 15)


Nice T‑shirt graph­ic fea­tur­ing the Pannonia TFL Deluxe 1959.
You can’t order any­thing if you have a real­ly small screen because their web­site has lost it’s scroll bars. Bummer.

The Thistlegorm went down in the Red Sea in May of 1941 while car­ry­ing sup­plies for the British Army in Africa. Among the many items now rest­ing one the sea bed are 400 motor­cy­cles. Including this Triumph 3TW. Clicking on the pic­tures will get you the full ver­sions. (Page trans­lat­ed from Italian)

Odd lit­tle air­plane engine. A flat twin stood on it’s side.



Wired Science has an inter­view with Eli Kintisch author of Hack the Planet
in the lead up to the Alisomar con­fer­ence on reg­u­lat­ing geo-engineering.

And Jeff Goodall gives us an after the fact sum­ma­ry of the con­fer­ence.


Art, Images, and Design

Bamboo is quick­ly becom­ing a wide­ly accept­ed “green” mate­r­i­al for all sorts of house­hold prod­ucts includ­ing table­ware, stor­age con­tain­ers, and dec­o­ra­tive pieces. Brit Leissler recent­ly trav­eled around Vietnam and sent a mas­sive col­lec­tion of pho­tographs from the vil­lages and towns where the bamboo-ware is made. The nav­i­ga­tion is a lit­tle con­fus­ing, click on the first image in the “wall” to start look­ing at the images.

Delicately drawn and light­ly col­ored. The humans shown in the work of the Chinese artist called Muxi exist on the bound­ary of man and animal.



Think your mon­ey works for you? Musclebeaver would like to show you the truth. Well done prim­i­tive ani­ma­tion of green­backs doing what green­backs wan­na do. (NSFW)

tax day, raf­fle day, sun­ny day, take your pick.
