Morning Linkage (Oct 20)

Transportation Featured in the most recent issue of Italian Motor Magazine (which looks like a very worth­while off-line effort.) John W’s Mk 2 Le Man’s based Guzzi cafe rac­er is one of the finest cus­toms that I’ve seen. Fine enough to over­come my dis­like of the all knees and elbows look of the MG engine. … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 4)

Transportation Purple Helmets, the Isle of Man TT half-time stunt team. Very British — in a Benny Hill, wellies and slick­ers, kin­da way. (Sound) Wrench Monkees begin build­ing a bit­sa. Where did that pur­ple frame come from? Updates as they hap­pen. Desmo dou­ble front-wheel trike. Very bizarre and head­line writ­ers take note, no way in hell is …