Desiging for Mobility

I recent­ly acquired a Blackberry Pearl.  It’s a nice lit­tle device that does­n’t absolute­ly scream cor­po­rate whore but lets me car­ry around a lot of the essen­tials of my life in my (over­loaded) purse. It also has per­haps the small­est screen in pro­duc­tion on a device capa­ble of tru­ly access­ing the web.  While I love having … 

Why are We Still Reading the Box Scores?

This after­noon I have been look­ing for non-business exam­ples of graph­i­cal pre­sen­ta­tion of data. Particularly I’ve been look­ing for good exam­ples of sports sta­tis­tics pre­sent­ed as sum­ma­ry graphs. The base­ball equiv­a­lent of a week­ly sales trend by region graph, if you will.  I am under­whelmed. There are a cou­ple of sites out there doing his­tor­i­cal graphing. … 

Better Explained — This is what the web can be.

Better Explained is a web site cre­at­ed by Kalid Azad based on the idea that  There’s always a bet­ter way to explain a top­ic. Insights are flu­id, muta­ble, and work for dif­fer­ent peo­ple.  He focus­es on math and pro­gram­ming (web tech­nolo­gies) with a lit­tle bit of the kitchen sink thrown in. His abil­i­ty to use a …