Molly Crabapple Has Your Heart (and I have no motivation)

Today in pro­cras­ti­na­tion fol­lies. I should be adding ID head­ers to the video from last week­end’s Mock Trials. But A) I am too dizzy to stand up and work and B) I need to call my doc about that par­tic­u­lar side effect. But C) I don’t have my new doc’s num­ber in my phone and … 

#FridayReads — 5.Oct.2012

Things I’m in the mid­dle of: Forensics for Dummies, Douglas P. Lyle — What it says on the tin. Simplistic but it does the trick as all I’m look­ing for a smat­ter­ing of back­ground and some vocab­u­lary lessons. The inter­est­ing stuff will come lat­er.  29th Years Best Science Fiction, Dozios — Dipping in and out. This … 

Unintentional Poetry

Every now and again I redis­cov­er some long for­got­ten cor­ner of my vasty web empire and have to clean out an over­grown com­ments mod­er­a­tion queue. For a while there was a rash of spam com­ments made up of seem­ing­ly ran­dom bits of strung togeth­er prose. They stopped appear­ing a cou­ple years ago. But I recently …