
The title of the post is more than suf­fi­cient. KLR 650 Cafe Rac­er. Just because, I suppose.

A lit­tle Cub done up by AFS Cus­tom with a bird deflec­tor? Real­ly? And well, anoth­er lit­tle Cub. I think. The orig­i­nal reports are in Chi­nese. I don’t real­ly care, I just love the bare met­al details of the “Indi­an

Look through duck­tail and ratfinkbik­er’s flickr sets to see more awe­some bikes from the RIDEFREE show.

Anoth­er nice bike from the East. Boni­ta Apple­bum. A find from the Deus build-off. From eBay wreck­er to sweet lit­tle cafe bike. CB450 , of course. Nice inter­view with the builder, Pepe Luque.

Chic, funky, retro. There are a ton of words I can use but you’ll just have to look for your­self. A scat­ter­ing of vin­tage train cars are remade into a series of warm hap­py hotel rooms.

Art, Images, and Design

Mak­ing soda-pop at home just got a lot more appeal­ing. That is if you can still get Galaxy syrups in these cool robot shaped bot­tles.

Hopes, fears, and the con­sis­ten­cy of the human con­di­tion. All in black and white engrav­ings by Win­sor McCay.

Every­day scenes unlay­ered with anatom­i­cal details. Blue ink lay­ers over the black and white draw­ings to intro­duce the first hint of unre­al­i­ty. Then the artist peels back lay­ers of the sub­jects to reveal details of anato­my. Grace­ful and chal­leng­ing. (NSFW — nudes and bones) Michael Reedy (artist’s site also NSFW)


Okay, Ran­go, yet anoth­er CGI ani­mals doing clas­sic film clichés big stu­dio ani­ma­tion. Slat­ed for March release and no doubt going to be yet anoth­er ani­mat­ed jug­ger­naut and yet anoth­er nail in the cof­fin of the real, actu­al, human actor. Or not… The ani­ma­tors are using video of the (voice) actors as the ref­er­ence mate­r­i­al, par­tic­u­lar­ly for the emo­tion­al nuances of body pos­ture and facial expres­sions. A great new twist in the ongo­ing inte­gra­tion of CGI and live actors. Or you can just watch it for the shots of John­ny Depp doing some­thing fun­ny that is not Kei­th Richards.

have a great week­end, see you all Monday
