Morning Linkage (Sep 27)


Beginning with a bit of a mys­tery. Searching for infor­ma­tion on this sub­tly won­der­ful BWM custom.

No mys­tery to this inten­tion­al­ly not per­fect TX650. Keeping the orig­i­nal tank and head­light buck­et as the design touch­stones for a rat bike I’d give shop space.

For a gig­gle, 52 Rossi hel­met graph­ics. In his next life he’s going to be an art direc­tor for DC Comics. Clearly.

Science (more or less)

hydro­dy­nam­i­cal­ly silent feed­ing cur­rent” Or how the comb jel­ly, which as you know is my favorite marine odd­i­ty, eats well. Read the com­ments they are as enlight­en­ing as the article.

Dark Roast Blends brings you Man Eating Plants. Okay — insect eat­ing plants. (Following the image cred­its will sup­ply an after­noon of visu­al bliss.)

Art, Images, and Design

From the pier side. A lit­tle guy goes div­ing. Like the com­menter says — pos­si­bly Os Gemeos, but I can’t find a sol­id attribution.

An unusu­al look for They Draw, They Cook. Tatiana Dorokhina’s recipe for a hot kicked-up cider. The con­tin­u­a­tion of the direc­tions in the guy’s trib­al tat­too is sweet.

Ms. Dorokhina’s illus­tra­tion blog is worth a look as well. (Occassionally NSFW)

American made and so damned beau­ti­ful. The RGM Pennsylvania Tourbillon. Watch pr0n at it’s most beguil­ing. It’s the sec­ond video you want to spend time with.

El Mac — hagio­graph­ic por­trai­ture. The time-lapse vids are good. Nicely curat­ed by koikoikoi.  (IC)

Vacation is over and it’s time to get back to work. Happy Monday y’all
