Morning Linkage (Nov 3)


(the slight­ly con­fused brand­ing edition)

First a lit­tle some­thing sooth­ing for the mid-week slog. When was the last time you were prop­er­ly enter­tained dur­ing a flight delay, hm? A lit­tle cham­ber music might help the time go by.

Ducati brand­ing reach­es into all the impor­tant parts of your life. Like break­fast. Red is a good col­or for coffee-making equipment.

Strange BMW Thing 1. A scoot­er.  All sorts of fan­cy body-work, some high-tech giz­mos, and tons of fluffy PR. But don’t imag­ine that they aren’t seri­ous about mak­ing a maxi-scooter. The sec­ond video is much more visu­al­ly appeal­ing than the talk­ing PR heads on the first one.

And if the maxi-scooter isn’t enough weird for ya here’s Strange BMW Thing 2.  The Husqvarna Mille 3 Concept.

Palette cleanser. 1953 BMW R51/3. Better now?

Cool Machines

What could be bet­ter than machine pr0n? Maybe typo­graph­ic fan­tasies? A touch of lit­er­ary did­dling? How about a trail­er for a movie about the Linotype machine. Oh god yes, yes, yes…

Art, Images, and Design

Amy was right, I want this cal­en­dar too. Images from ear­ly blues records and sheet music.

I can’t imag­ine how unac­cept­able to OSHA Anthony Burrill’s choice of ink was, but he’s mak­ing a great point. Oil and Water Don’t Mix, a lim­it­ed edi­tion screen print to ben­e­fit Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana.

Restoring the old mas­ters is one of those I‑wish-I-had jobs. An old dark sooty crusty cru­ci­fix turns out to be a bright shiny mas­ter­piece by Giotto. A small image of the cross before restora­tion is includ­ed in the Corriere Della Sera article.

A tip-off from a fan of the Magpie brought me to Betsy Youngquist. Elaborately bead­ed dolls and fig­ures. Surreal, cud­dly and spiny at the same time. Buck Fish is fab.


Principal Skeleton. The fine art of stu­dent moti­va­tion. Yet anoth­er gig­gle induc­ing grick­le ani­ma­tion. (Graham Annable)

hap­py hump­day — I’m off to get my hair done. It’s hard work being a redhead.
