#Black­Fri­day edition

Linked three-some. Plus two bonus links that give you a chance to do good. (Hint.)

Sal­ly Bridges Met­al love­ly whim­si­cal met­al work for fur­ni­ture. I’m not sure about the din­ing room chairs but the head­boards are a sure win­ner. The full line. But WTF “Rus­tic Modern”?

More met­al fur­ni­ture — this time with a decid­ed­ly more mas­cu­line feel. Pipe wrench tres­tle table.

And this prob­a­bly won’t be the case in a month or two but right now Dude­craft is run­ning a ban­ner ad in sup­port of 826. A group that brings writ­ing pro­grams to store­fronts. Odd store­fronts. In DC the 826 project is in the Muse­um of Unnat­ur­al His­to­ry. And Oliv­er Mun­day has cre­at­ed a line of pack­ag­ing for their “sou­venirs” You can have Uni­corn Tears, unfil­tered of course, Hind­sight, or Exis­ten­tial­ly Dis­traught Wood.

826DC — The Muse­um of Unnat­ur­al His­to­ry is here. (Amus­ing twit­ter stream as well.)

The Seat­tle ver­sion. Green­wood Space Trav­el Sup­ply.
