Morning Linkage (May 5)


If you sim­ply *must*have a Ducati… No, no, please don’t hit me. I only find them and bring them to you. I don’t actu­al­ly cre­ate them.

Eastern Europe is turn­ing out a lot of tal­ent­ed visu­al artists and a cou­ple of odd-ball bike cus­tomiz­ers. Everyone has seen Yuri Shif’s tri-color Monster the DUster, but this bike, mys­te­ri­ous­ly named Gustav Skippone has an creepy charm all it’s own.

Three appar­ent­ly unre­lat­ed pic­tures. I want to make up a sto­ry that accounts for the rac­er, the ad, and Norton. I’ll set­tle for a nice look into the past.

Science, Tech, and Gadgets

In the midst of this col­lec­tion of images from the Museo Virtual del Diseno Creativity (Spain) there is a pho­to­graph a a radio shack belong­ing to EA3DY. Lining the walls are the QSL cards he col­lect­ed from his con­tacts. The cards are also repro­duced here. A bit odd in the mid­dle of a set of images devot­ed to com­mer­cial design in the 30’s but a fas­ci­nat­ing find.

Art, Images, and Design

Wicked, or sil­ly. I can’t decide. This skele­tal arm micro­phone hold­er may be just the thing for a rock­er in need of a mean­ing­ful mike stand. Nah, it’s just very cool.

Very nice met­al work on this clock by Dutch design­ers Niels van Eijk and Mirian van der Lubbe. A reminder that we can choose to have

A col­lec­tion of pic­tures of rhi­nos that should­n’t be as won­der­ful as it is. I par­tic­u­lar­ly like the Leandro Castelao and the Sergo Ruffolo — con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed next to each other .

…and there you have it, the week is half over.
