Morning Linkage (Mar 26)


Eerie silent video of the valves and fir­ing spark plug of an inter­nal com­bus­tion engine. Erudite dis­cus­sion of the cap­ture tech­nol­o­gy in the comments.

Or per­haps you’re more inter­est­ed int he valve action inside the new S1000RR? More dis­cus­sion of the video cap­ture tech.

The late 60’s CB450s had become rats by the time I met my first motor­cy­clist friends in 1979. It’s nice to have a glimpse at what
Eugene’s bike looked like new.



I knew that nat­ur­al gas was stored under vast corn fields in Iowa but I had no idea that there was a heli­um bub­ble that spanned three states.

Somewhat local to Pugetopolis. Cliff Mass dis­cuss­es the diur­nal vari­a­tions. That is, the changes in tem­per­a­ture, winds, etc that occur in a 24 hour peri­od even when the weath­er is “bor­ing”


Art, Images, and Design

Cheeky mon­key! Ben Newman’s work always has a sense of humor.

Insane mix­ing of fairy tales: Alien vs. Pooh and there’s some damned mouse in the mid­dle… NSFToddlers

Richard Kirk, spooky, del­i­cate crea­tures. Pen and pen­cil on white.


And to put you in a mel­low week­end mood. The anoth­er trum­pet genius per­forms La Vie en Rose.

