Morning Linkage (Jan 5)


The Sunbeam S7 is a dandy bike. The pho­to is bet­ter than dandy.

On my ToDo list for this week: Figure out why the dweebs at TopSpeed
can’t even tell me where they got the lit­tle bit of info they have
about this twist­ed YZ450 to cafe rac­er conversion.

I always thought own­ing an Airstream trail­er would be kin­da cool. I
was wrong, own­ing one of these Victorinox Special Editions or a
Serenity mod­el would be awesome.



Fairy-tales are not nice. At least they weren’t nice before the a
bunch of nan­nies took all the good bits out. The excerpt here is
mild­ly NSFW. (Innuendo — no pictures)



NYC has way too many peo­ple, with way too much mon­ey, liv­ing in way
too lit­tle space. Hence these five exam­ples of rooftop hous­es. Click
along to the flickr stream men­tioned at the end of the post for more
(unfil­tered) rooftop follies.


Art, Images, Animation

One of the best artists work­ing in cut paper today. Peter Callesen can
show you fields of flow­ers in a sheet of A‑4 white bond.

Snow globes are so roman­tic; unless you look close­ly. Dastardly deeds
in Winter Wonderlands.

The lit­tle peo­ple are out again. London, Grottaglie (it’s in Italy)
and fine gut­ters near you.

Lisa D sent along the link to this nice exam­ple of new style flip-book
ani­ma­tion. Sweetness.

Happy Tuesday campers.
