I’m flex­ing my fin­gers this morn­ing, get­ting back into the swing for you all.



I love the lit­tle Piag­gio Ape. Here’s a brochure for the 1979 ver­sion. (In Ital­ian on a Japan­ese site.)

The Pacif­ic North­west tri­als sea­son start­ed yes­ter­day with the Plas­tered Pur­ple Pen­guin in Marysville. This ear­ly tri­aler , a Bull­dog, looks noth­ing like the Sher­co in the shop. It’s a sweet piece of equip­ment nonetheless.



Love­ly video of the north­ern lights. The World at Night has a ton of oth­er amaz­ing videos and photos.


Images, Art, and Design

Uni­ver­si­ty of Neva­da has many inter­est­ing dig­i­tal archives. This one is ded­i­cat­ed to comics pro­duced for the gov­ern­ment. There’s lots from Archie and Jug­head, and some Cap’n Amer­i­ca, even a Charles Schultz or two.

It’s in Por­tuguese but this is the best of the “Images of the Decade” col­lec­tions I’ve seen. The South Amer­i­can per­spec­tive helps.

And anoth­er year-ender. 342 movies in 7 min­utes. The sound track is awe­some.  (SFW/Music)

Hap­py First Mon­day my lovelies.
