Morning Linkage (Jan 26)


6 used Unicat’s. Because own­ing an RV does­n’t have to mean stick­ing to the inter­states. I’ll take what’s behind door num­ber 3.

Latest from Wrenchmonkees. A Kawi rat bike. My kind of awesome.

I’m get­ting tired of eThis and eThat, so eGrandPrix is unlike­ly to make my hit parade. On the oth­er hand rac­ing in the streets of Paris on tri­cy­cles would be enough to attract my atten­tion. TTXGP presents elec­tric cars in the City of Lights. Okay, I’ll set the TIVO.

Buell is dead, long live Buell.  The 1125R is on the pace to become a cult tuner plat­form of choice. Magpul is build­ing one they’ve named the Ronin. Worth following.



The write up is a bit slop­py but the infor­ma­tion is of very direct and per­son­al inter­est for many of us. Have the sci­en­tists been seri­ous­ly under­es­ti­mat­ing the max­i­mum size of storm waves on the Pacific Northwest Coast?


(Old) Technology

I’ve nev­er seen this pho­to of an IBM 350 Disk Storage Unit being loaded into an plane, with a fork lift. I appre­ci­ate the fine folks at Telstar Logistics using up Google-fu to ver­i­fy the claim.


Art, Images, and Design

A while ago I read the sto­ry that Goni Montes made  this cat illus­tra­tion was made for “The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles.” I’m hap­py to see more work by the same artist. (one or two, mild­ly NSFW)

The orig­i­nal sto­ry “The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles.” A sto­ry about hav­ing a sto­ry to tell. Well worth the half hour to read.

An Urban Sketchers two­some this morning.

From Korea, a nice sheet of botan­i­cals and an accom­pa­ny­ing sto­ry about din­ing out on live octopus.

From Paris — love­ly pen­cil and water­col­or por­traits of folks catch­ing a lit­tle rest break.

Certain pic­tures cap­ture the entire­ty of a per­son­al­i­ty. James Dean by Denis Stock. (page down)

Rock your Tuesday m’dears.
