6 used Unicat’s. Because owning an RV doesn’t have to mean sticking to the interstates. I’ll take what’s behind door number 3.
Latest from Wrenchmonkees. A Kawi rat bike. My kind of awesome.
I’m getting tired of eThis and eThat, so eGrandPrix is unlikely to make my hit parade. On the other hand racing in the streets of Paris on tricycles would be enough to attract my attention. TTXGP presents electric cars in the City of Lights. Okay, I’ll set the TIVO.
Buell is dead, long live Buell. The 1125R is on the pace to become a cult tuner platform of choice. Magpul is building one they’ve named the Ronin. Worth following.
The write up is a bit sloppy but the information is of very direct and personal interest for many of us. Have the scientists been seriously underestimating the maximum size of storm waves on the Pacific Northwest Coast?
(Old) Technology
I’ve never seen this photo of an IBM 350 Disk Storage Unit being loaded into an plane, with a fork lift. I appreciate the fine folks at Telstar Logistics using up Google-fu to verify the claim.
Art, Images, and Design
A while ago I read the story that Goni Montes made this cat illustration was made for “The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles.” I’m happy to see more work by the same artist. (one or two, mildly NSFW)
The original story “The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles.” A story about having a story to tell. Well worth the half hour to read.
An Urban Sketchers twosome this morning.
From Korea, a nice sheet of botanicals and an accompanying story about dining out on live octopus.
From Paris — lovely pencil and watercolor portraits of folks catching a little rest break.
Certain pictures capture the entirety of a personality. James Dean by Denis Stock. (page down)
Rock your Tuesday m’dears.