Three wheels. The DOT calls it a motorcycle. The manufacturer calls a T‑Rex. I call it covetable.
I don’t know what it means for the stereotypical ‘here comes the bad guys’ cues in movie sound tracks but for people living under the traffic copter pattern it means quieter commute times. Eurocopter introduces the Blue Edge rotor blade and Blue Pulse system which can cut blade noise by 3 to 4 decibels. Which doesn’t seem like it should help much but the in-cockpit recording are substantially different in volume and in quality.
This photo a glacier weeping red ooze is stunning enough for inclusion in the linkage. But when you read the description of what the ooze is and how this particular primordial ooze has been isolated for 2 million years… Atlas Obscura has information and lots of pictures.
Information is Beautiful has a good visual today. A bubble race chart of dietary supplements and which have solid supporting evidence for efficacy and which don’t. Be sure to read the explanation of the chart and click on the Show Me tab on the right.
Increasingly specialized iPhone apps are appearing. Stuff that’s a lot more useful that captioning your snapshots with thought balloons. This stethoscope add on for example. Digital diagnosis in your hand.
Not really science but vaguely web related. There are tons of websites out there that earn their keep by generating link backs. In order to optimize your chances of grabbing that coveted TechCrunch citation I give you “Link Bait Generator” I had a good little giggle by entering ‑moto press- in the box. Try a few of your own.
Art, Images, and Design
One commenter accuses this image of Aiguille de Midi of being overly Photoshopped, but I personally like the washed out vintage post card feel . No I am not going up there.
Hours of amusement await you in this NBC collection of weird news photos. Occasional gore and one giant, pink, cherry blossom laden phallus. (NSFW)
The ability to draw eludes me, the ability to draw like Paul Lung eludes almost everyone. The animal portraits in particular will make you blink. Fur in such incredible detail.
Close to my heart — book arts. A collection of fabulous bindings. From embossed images of peonies to silver and gem encrusted breviaries.
and that’s it for another week. see you Monday my freaky little darlings.