WSDOT presents: building the new ferry the Chetzemoka. Lovely little video montage of construction photos, including a monthly time lapse. (Sound — bad looped music)
Okay, these guys look like our kind of bugnutz. The Dumb Way Down. Around the world on a couple of bitsa bikes from the 30’s. It’s looking to be a multi-year project. Check out the website, the bios of the culprits and their gear are a giggle. They’re somewhere on the east coast of the USA at the moment. Not the finest choice of geography given the ongoing Snowpocalypse.
Truly one of the ugliest bikes I have ever seen, the Ducati based Duster. Kittens were sacrificed.
Science and Technology
Quantum interactions in the dalihas? The explanations of photosynthesis get weirder and weirder.
Of possible interest to some of you old school SEGA moto game fans. A sound track album, srlsy.
Art, Images, Design
There’s little information about the artist beyond her taste in movies and music. These largely comic book illustrations cross between anime and noir with bits of commentary on the nature of being human. Or in this case a cat, as the little white cat comes across some orange paint and imagines herself a tiger. Amazingly not trite. (Other images in gallery mildly NSFW)
From Golden Age Comics,
Hannes Bok & Edd Cartier’s alternately eerie and humorous sci-fi fey calendar illustrations in black and white for 1949 and 1950 Gnome Press Calendars. Robots, fairies, mushrooms, and a mutant duck (?) all in one picture. There are illos from at least three different calendars mixed together here, making the viewing even more surreal.
A little something to remind you all that it could be worse than just a Wednesday. Dianna Rigg and scale model railroading. Oh, go on, look, you know you want to,

re: the DUster. the kitten got off lucky. not only is it fugly^2, the write-up is full of inaccuracies. if that’s an air-cooled duc, i’m a pink flamingo. phoey.