Morning Linkage (Dec 20)


KZ400, El Diablo by Mad Crow in Barcelona. The details on the head­light and tank make it special.

Hedton. A rare Hedlund engine crow­barred into a Norton(?) frame. Includes links to the Hedlund engine sto­ry and a flickr stream of Hedlund motos.

Odd-bits bicy­cle sculp­ture. A Monday morn­ing smile.

Science and Technology

Yeah, soci­ol­o­gy is a soft sci­ence but wth. Why a lim­it­ed lev­el of cor­rup­tion among offi­cials and law enforce­ment may be nec­es­sary to the cohe­sive­ness of society.

Something to mull over. this map of the world shows the heav­i­ly walled nation­al and inter­na­tion­al bor­ders. Are we walling off the rest of the world? And can you think of oth­er heav­i­ly for­ti­fied bor­ders and how do they fit into this map?

Art, Images, and Design

Thomas Allen brings pulp fic­tion paper­backs to life by mov­ing the sub­jects out of the flat plain of the cov­er. Artist bio.

A sam­ple of the work of Hermann Huppen — one of the rare breed of writer/illustrators in the world of comics. Some of the Jeremiah series fea­tured here are avail­able in English translation.


Headless Productions. Teaser for I’m a Monster. It’s going to be a first-rate fam­i­ly giggle.
