We’ve had some bad weather around here lately. Too much rain leads to saturated ground which leads to mud and rock slides. Here’s one of the fab pics from the WA-DOT of some of the clearing activity. This one is on Chuckanut Drive a bit north of here.
Something special for aficionados of the smaller makes. A visual history of KTM. Sadly without identifying information for the bikes. Still fun.
Perhaps all those flood myths in the middle east have a basis in a previous round of global warming? Are the remains of a once thriving civilization damply waiting for us beneath the Persian Gulf.
Art, Design, and Images
A little over the top for most office reception areas but if you have the need… TF2 sentry gun. (WETA, of course)
Thomas Perkins draws triptych comics. Every day. On his three kids’ lunch bags. And he posts them for the rest of us to enjoy.
Is it even possible that I did not post this the first time I saw it? BLU makes animation on buildings. Really. The evolution of life on earth.
There you go my dears, see you tomorrow.