Morning Linkage (Aug 6)


Watching moto-cop drill teams is always a hoot. Please note that this team is lit­tle extra spe­cial. *Tokyo* motor police and all women. 2 videos, a bunch of stills.

Givin’ away the goods. Visual grat­i­fi­ca­tion is a reli­able source of good-looking and good to look at bikes. It also has a “com­mu­ni­ty” page fea­tur­ing oth­er bike blogs. Here’s a run down of some of the best of the bunch. Along with sam­ple pics from each.

Again from Visual Grat. Over the top details of the Confederate P120 as revealed in a spe­cial email to subscribers.

More fine details. This time on a XJR 1200. Triples, fork brace, and blue on the calipers.

From huge to tiny. The Suzuki EN125 pop­u­lates S.E. Asia like fruit flies on old bananas. And some­times gets used to cre­ate nifty lit­tle buzz-bombs like this one.

Tech and Science

Again with the hack­ers, def­con, and the sup­posed high secu­ri­ty locks. Always a good sto­ry and always a good reminder that secu­ri­ty is more than a bet­ter lock.

Goby. With a name like that it’s got­ta be a weird fish — and it is. Trash-eater.

Art, Images, and Design

I did­n’t know that those vicious­ly ugly con­crete build­ing of the 50’s and 60’s (and their even worse revival in 70’s aca­d­e­m­ic set­tings) had a style name. Brutalism. Perfect fit. Andy Spain is not so dis­mis­sive as I am. His black and white pho­tographs bring as much beau­ty to these build­ings as any­one ever will be able to.

Day dream­ers hide-away. I can’t find the orig­i­nal image but this is too won­der­ful to pass up.

Photoshop is the most overused tool in the uni­verse. Somedays. And then oth­er days you see it put to use to reveal the world in a new light.  The ghosts of WWII merge with the present in these dual image pho­tographs cre­at­ed by Sergey Larenkov.

Nice lit­tle joke with your morn­ing cof­fee if you slop a bit over the edge of the cup.

Friday Animation

A three­some. All with some con­nec­tion to Gooby Herms.

El Kabong — done for Cartoon Network. A horse, some more hors­es, and a bad guy.  Mexican cin­e­ma lam­poon. Look for the National Steel near the end. (1:57)

5 words that sound dirty but aren’t. For Chicklets. I’m all over the gum and ink draw­ing style. (0:15)

Lovely and lyric, ani­mat­ed intro for a doc­u­men­tary film about danc­ing in PR. Bomba y ple­na. (1:30)

now go play out­side if you’re to make all that racket.
