Morning Linkage (Aug 26)


Kinda unfin­ished look­ing. The Merlin starts with an old flat head and adds a cou­ple of moped parts, some stuff from the back room at the push-bike shop down the street, and bits dent­ed sheet met­al from who knows where. Appealing in its rawness.

What to do with the inevitable rust­ing away of cer­tain bits of that cheap scoot­er you bought. Bobber Passport. Check out the engraved veloc­i­ty stack. Woo.

If I had a bike this pret­ty I’d let it eat in the kitchen too. Moto Guzzi Airone 250.

Data Geeking

First up — all the Dr Who espisodes and their (approx) place in the time line of the uni­verse. As you’d expect the com­ments are FULL of ran­corous dis­agree­ment and the pick­ing of the tini­est nits. None the less, a prodi­gious feat of data scraping.

Two sets of graph­ics from Phillip Howard at Michigan State. The illu­sion of diver­si­ty in food. Soda pop and organ­ics are big busi­ness and the con­sol­i­da­tion of the lit­tle brands under the umbrel­la of the giants con­tin­ues. Soda pop and oth­er bottled/canned drinks. Who owns the organ­ic labels. Buying up the independents.

Art, Images, and Design

Alice Feagan — com­mer­cial illus­tra­tion in cut paper, this one for the cov­er of a week­ly food guide … and a pri­vate piece cel­e­brat­ing sum­mer at the lake.

Three new pieces from Alberto Cerriteno. That sweet tooth does­n’t look so sweet.

Excerpts from Sir William Hamilton’s Campi Phelgraei describ­ing his obser­va­tions of the vol­canic activ­i­ty of Mt. Vesuvius in the 1760’s and 1770’s. Engravings by Pietro Fabris.

Animation can show us the world from a dif­fer­ent height. Lucille finds her­self over­whelmed by her vis­it to the gui­tar shop.

thurs­day, chick­en for lunch?
