Gaze Longingly at These Buicks of Yore. Well at the first three or four anyway. Classic designs. After the 60’s Wildcat it all goes down hill.
The Zaeta 530. Now (or soon) available in street legal two-up trim. There’s a nice video that features arty footage of horses, followed by the Zaeta and a Porsche doing some serious drifting in the dirt.
The Wilson II. Extreme and probably unridable but omg the pipes…
Notable especially for its origins. Mohammed Shojaie’s Ostoure (‘Legend’ in Persian) concept bike. Much of the artist’s other work is included in Bloom, an Iranian on-line racing game.
Jack Horkheimer — the Star Gazer — passed away late last week. For some background and a taste of his humor have a look at this Profile column from the Jan 06 edition of Astronomy. (PDF)
Looking back at earth from space. Wired Science presents a gallery of images of algal blooms. Damn we live on a beautiful planet.
Art, Images, and Design
Only one artist this morning. But this overview of Alex Varanese’s work including the wonderful Alt1977 retro-futurism project will give you a good start to your week.
off you go kiddies.

love the pipes on the Wilson, awesome work. and Varanese’s Alt1977 stuff is wonderful!