Morning Linakge (Jan 29)


A plane mys­tery solved. This (fly­ing?) derelict in Hanoi was iden­ti­fied by the fine folks at Telstar logis­tics. And we get a nice overview of the Antonov AN‑2. It’s wicked on skis.

Sweet, orange, retro, but brand new. French GIMA 125. Do Want.

The news that makes my day! SLS pro­duc­tion has start­ed. Last post until the first ones hit the US mar­ket. Promise (fingers-crossed behind my back.)

The new Icon Variant hel­met. The demo’d graph­ics are pret­ty damned teenage macho but I’m dying for the extra wide eye port and sweat wick­ing interior.

Free wall­pa­per of the vapor cone cre­at­ed at the moment of son­ic boom envelop­ing and airplane.



Never miss­ing a chance to be kawaii, these lunch box meals (ben­tos) fea­ture Wall‑E, Mario, and the Linux pen­guin. Some times the for­eign­ness of Japan makes my mind spin.



Doing sci­ence is nev­er as easy as the tidy pub­lished reports with their pret­ty graphs and charts make it look. These entries in the Round Robin (Cornell Ornithology) show just how arbi­trary the real world can be when you go look­ing for some­thing. The Godwits that Cornell Ph.D. stu­dent Nathan Senner went look­ing for on Chiloé Island, Chile failed to get his save-the-date notice and where off at some oth­er par­ty when he arrived.


Art, Images, Design

The first of the chil­dren’s books by Jim Flora, the king of bebop illus­tra­tion, to be reprint­ed in decades. I can’t wait to get my own copy of The Day the Cow Sneezed.

New prim­i­tive in style, sly­ly mod­ern in out­look, a Kama Sutra by Barcelona born Adria Fruitos. Absolutely, utter­ly, glo­ri­ous­ly NSFW.
If you need some­thing SFW. Go to Adria’s web­site and click on most any­thing else.

Simplicissimus was a German satir­i­cal week­ly that pub­lished from 1886 through 1944. It has been dig­i­tal­ly archived by the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bilbiothek.  Cheeky, sophis­ti­cat­ed graph­ics fill each issue.For exam­ple this first issue of 1904. Or you can have any oth­er year you’d like by perus­ing the sec­ond link.

Sweet mis­cel­lany of win­ter bird images and illus­tra­tions. You’re bound to find some­thing you like. Maybe a change of desk­top wall­pa­per is in order?

It’s Friday. We need girls on bikes. (all SFW)

that’s it sin­ners just one more day and then you can go back to being saints.
