shiny things in messy little piles

Year: 2009 (Page 3 of 25)

Morning Linkage (Nov 30)


The Mys­tery Machine gets a a new look in this zom­bie based remake. And Scoo­bie gets a breed change? (’cause that’s a dober­man not a dane.) Get the T‑Shirt at Threadless.

And while you’re shop­ping you might want to pick up one of these neat‑o patch­es.

Now you’ll need a scoot­er to go with the patch. I can offer you the fol­low­ing links.

Nice­ly graph­iced Gig­gle.

Rock-ola. This three wheel­er by the juke­box peo­ple, no lie.

Then it’s off to the Siber­ian Motocross on com­bat bikes.

Enough of the silli­ness. This is just pret­ty. Vic­to­ria V35 Bergmeis­ter.

I’ll ping and see if we can get a slight­ly revised ver­sion of this help­ful poster. But what bike to feature?

The Fiat 500 is cute. The Abarth ver­sions (of all the vin­tages) are one of my secret vices.


Making and Doing

Knuck­le busters has an arti­cle from the Jan 1961 issue of  Pop­u­lar Mechan­ics — drill bits for met­al work. Enlight­en­ing.

Writ­ing in the sand is for sap­py movie fade-outs. Okay maybe not any more. Kids get to play and a mes­sage prints in the sand. Oh the possibilities.


Art, Images, Illustration

Archi­tec­tur­al firm Stu­dio Lind­fors imag­ines what our cities will look like if they were flood­ed by polar ice cap melt.

Jason Limon has skil­lz. But most­ly I love the Elec­trick­ery sign.

An inter­view with Shaun Tan. Often pigeon holed as a chil­dren’s illus­tra­tor, his images hint at larg­er narratives.

Alex Chechik, fresh out of school with a well devel­oped style. Look­ing for work in ani­ma­tion. Dif­fer­ent from most of what I’m seeing.

Three black and white pho­tos to round out the morn­ing. No commentary.
Three.  (NSFW)

That’s it. Talk amongst your­selves while I set up the next show.

Morning Linkage (Nov 27)

Art, Images

Gonca­lo Viana did this clever illus­tra­tion of a car as a hel­met for an arti­cle on car safety.

More of  Goncalo’s work on his port­fo­lio page.

Nerd­bots. Lov­able found object sculp­tures. The logo rocks too.

Mer­cedes Lagua­nas is from Madrid. Mys­ti­cism infused portraits.

I have not read any of Stuff of Leg­ends. In fact I had­n’t giv­en it any head space at all until I saw this detail from one of the cov­ers. If the sto­ry is as intense­ly inter­wo­ven as the graph­ic ele­ments of this image I may need to get some.

Chimeras by Antoine and Manuel. Work from 2006.

Charm­ing artist. Charm­ing inter­view. Charm­ing work.

Women in the GDR. Black and white pho­tographs by Sibylle Berge­mann. Start­ing with a moto por­trait. Let the slide show run.

Gouache on paper. Ric Stultz uses sim­ple forms and visu­al puns to set up uni­ver­sal ideas. Dough­nut, hack­saw, and handcuffs?

Hap­py day after the binge.

Morning Linkage (Nov 26)


What hap­pens when a Road Star eats too much pie before bed? It dreams of get­ting that rad­i­cal face lift and look­ing like this. Go ahead and click through for the tech­ni­cal details but the jar­ring col­or con­trast with the magen­ta biki­ni might ruin your appetite.

More sooth­ing­ly this Astin Mar­tin DB4 GT is the treat.

LDS appar­ent­ly means Lam­bo Style Doors. What­ev­er. This lit­tle  Alfa Mito is too dang cute.

Rad­i­cal Ducati out of Madrid presents this trib­ute to the Ducati 750 SS Imo­la. Unusu­al in it’s very mod­ern feel.

Christ­mas is com­ing just around the turn of the cal­en­dar page. Prezzies for your Ducatisti friends are gonna be easy this year as Pro Italia now has an online Ducati gift store.

No mat­ter how stymied you are for a present for your weird Uncle George don’t fall for this.


Art of the Moto

One of things I love about the guys at Wrench Mon­kees is that they active­ly encour­age artists to use their bikes as mod­els. Damien Kurth does a sim­ple col­ored pen­cil sketch.

Urban Sketch­ers has a moto theme as well. João Catari­no bor­rowed a bike from a fel­low teacher and set it up in the mid­dle of his life draw­ing class. Nice two col­or ren­der­ing of the stu­dents hard at work.



Oblig­a­tory geeky Thanks­giv­ing joke. Pie Crust. From Tooth­paste for Dinner.

I’m off do the last bit of cook­ing. You all have a good Turkey Day.

Morning LInkage (Nov 25)


Cus­tom body­work tak­en to an extreme. In beau­ti­ful 1950 styling.

A very brief ani­ma­tion of a con­cept bike explod­ing into planes. A cou­ple of the late stage stills are eye catching.


Science, Tech

Attempts to com­mu­ni­cate with our future alien over­lords always seem ridicu­lous­ly human biased to me. This effort is a lit­tle less so in that it starts from some of the basics of physics and chem­istry that we think hold true through out the uni­verse. We could be wrong of course…

T‑Shirt favorite from the Geek trin­ket experts at ThinkGeek. Zoom for a cod­ed gig­gle.


Objects, Design

Jim’s been bak­ing pump­kin pies. We’ve had a cou­ple of dis­as­ters car­ry­ing them to the par­ty in the past. Per­haps one of these  two solu­tions will help.

This ‘media cart’ is gor­geous. But for the price I can buy a cou­ple of you guys welders and a glass cut­ter and we can go into busi­ness for ourselves.

Equal­ly over­priced are these new suites at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas. Pimp-tastic.


Art, Images, Animation

Nudes in oil are not the denier cri. That’s too bad because there is some excel­lent work being done. Case in point Simon Birch. (NSFW)

If you’re feel­ing in a do-it-yourself lit­er­ary mood you could start with this let­ter­press print by Tom Gauld — Char­ac­ters for an Epic Tale.

I’m sure the wankers at 20th Cent Fox (irony alert)  are going to come call­ing for Georgie Fearns’ client over this sly logo for a PA/copywriter. But I’d so use it if I my last name was Fox.

Fan­tas­tic mod­ern take on clas­sic Japan­ese screens and scrolls. I need more walls.

For those of you who have been dig­ging the Jim Flo­ra work I’ve been link­ing to here’s anoth­er artist work­ing out the bebop good­ness.

Chris­t­ian Robin­son works in a lot of media includ­ing white­board and he sells sweet lit­tle col­lages on line. But it’s the paper cutout ani­ma­tion that grabs me. Here’s Dinosaur Song based on the chil­dren’s poem by Daria Tessler.


Video on the Way Out the Door

Dean­na threw this up on FB in the ear­ly AM. Girl works weird hours. The Sesame Street anniver­sary is bring­ing all kinds of Hen­son mad­ness to the top of the heap. Here the Mup­pets do Bohemi­an Rhap­sody. Sing along — you know you want to.

Now get on back into the kitchen — we all got a feast to prepare.


Morning Linkage (Nov 24)


A nice­ly done Harley from Den­mark. The cop­per bits are dif­fer­ent. How
does such a lit­tle coun­try man­age to have so may tal­ent­ed builders?

From a clas­sic and exot­ic car shop in Aus­tralia comes a well
doc­u­ment­ed 1966 Lam­bret­ta LI 125 Series 2.

Amid a col­lec­tion of col­lectible fur­ni­ture are these gems. Clown
. Made me smile.

Func­tion­al moto fash­ion isn’t exact­ly the height of style but this
pair of pants (patent­ed nat­u­ral­ly) is about as dorky as you can get.
The patent illus­tra­tion has a cer­tain something…

Abstract but instant­ly recognizable.

Anoth­er one for the Christ­mas list. Your bike illus­trat­ed. Cay
Broen­dum does love­ly work with pen and water­col­ors. (via Wrench
Mon­kees who advise that if you haven’t got a pic­ture wor­thy bike you
use any of theirs.)



The “art” cake is get­ting a lit­tle old but some­times they’re just too
fun­ny, The clas­sic wed­ding cake rein­ter­pret­ed for the end of the



For any­one who has­n’t seen it yet. The Big Pic­ture presents the Nat.
Geo. 2009 Pho­to of the Year can­di­dates. Yawn.


Art, Images, and Paper

How to kill an idea. It took me quite a while to find a full size
ver­sion of this image. Why so hard? No artist attri­bu­tion in the first
3 pages I found it on. (Scott Campbell)

Car­toon­ish mon­sters with unex­pect­ed back­ground ele­ments. Giggle
wor­thy. (James (Jim­bot) Demski)

Anoth­er illus­tra­tor in the whim­si­cal chil­dren’s car­toon style. Why
don’t I have a good name for this?  (Chris “Elio” Eliopou­los)

Kevin Kid­ney works in paper build­ing low relief sculp­tures among oth­er things.

A lit­tle crea­ture with a cute over­ly large skull rides a hummingbird.
No real­ly, go look. It’s not near­ly as unre­lent­ing­ly sweet as you
think. (Mike Mitchell)

Me and my hang­over are going away now.…

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