
Going fast a long time ago… A 1912 Bugat­ti rac­er is up for auction.

Going fast today — on two wheels. Infor­ma­tion about Denis Manning’s
next attempt to recap­ture the 2‑wheel pis­ton pow­ered speed record.
With bonus cov­er­age of his son’s bike that may just take the 50cc two
wheel record.

Play­ing fast (and loose) in anoth­er way. Out gub­ber­mint is “lend­ing”
Fisker half a bil­lion to make a sporty elec­tric. Because we have to
play fair and Tes­la already got it’s birth­day prezzie. Why aren’t we
loan­ing mon­ey to the mak­er of a mini-van or a sprint­er style delivery


The Big Pic­ture brings us 26 pho­tos of the awe inspir­ing red dust
storm in Syd­ney. Oz has always been a lit­tle strange but this is

Stick fig­ure guide to AES. Just what it says. Clear, amus­ing, and educational.

Some damned print­er car­tridge” com­pa­ny put out a series of graphics
that claim to show you what it would take to print the Inter­net.
Accu­ra­cy — I have no idea. Graph­ics — rockin’

If you don’t want to waste the reams of paper that it would take to
print the inter­net, how about these one page cook­books? The chinese
menu — 1 from col­umn a, 1 from col­umn b, 1 from col­umn c idea applied
to a vari­ety of dish­es. Most­ly Indi­an. Very tasty. (His advice on high
alti­tude pres­sure cook­ing for groups is worth a book­mark as well.)



SGI ris­es like a phoenix… Oh nev­er mind — here’s a mas­sive amount of
com­put­ing pow­er
in a desk­top box for under 10K. Do Want.

I’m not sure why Giz­mo­do has got a lock on the MSFT Couri­er news but
here’s the first install­ment in the descrip­tion of the “book­let”
portable device from the depths of Red­mond. So this is what Mr. Allard
has been up to. Do Want, even more than the SGI loot above.


Art, Images, Illustration

Who needs world trav­el to make love­ly land­scape art? Bill Guf­fey sits
at home and roams the world via Google Maps Street View. A naive and
unaf­fect­ed style make these lit­tle gems.

Mak­ing a lit­tle land­scape at the base­board lev­el. Or fright­en­ing the
cat. 100+ sticky-backed ant sil­hou­ettes. Lordy do I have to say it
again today? Do Want.

If you’ve always won­dered what hap­pens to all those hub­caps left
for­lorn­ly by the side of the road, won­der no longer. The best of them
end up in the hands of Ptole­my Elring­ton and get made into these
fab­u­lous crea­tures. Ulti­mate garage art. (Jay Leno type clean and tidy

Pub signs are cool. The Mur­phy house needs a pub sign. Here are some
ideas to get the cre­ative types started.


Out the Door

We’re enjoy­ing the last glo­ri­ous hot days of sum­mer. Here’s to the CBs!

hap­py humpday
