Morning Linkage (Sept 23)


Going fast a long time ago… A 1912 Bugatti rac­er is up for auction.

Going fast today — on two wheels. Information about Denis Manning’s
next attempt to recap­ture the 2‑wheel pis­ton pow­ered speed record.
With bonus cov­er­age of his son’s bike that may just take the 50cc two
wheel record.

Playing fast (and loose) in anoth­er way. Out gub­ber­mint is “lend­ing”
Fisker half a bil­lion to make a sporty elec­tric. Because we have to
play fair and Tesla already got it’s birth­day prezzie. Why aren’t we
loan­ing mon­ey to the mak­er of a mini-van or a sprint­er style delivery


The Big Picture brings us 26 pho­tos of the awe inspir­ing red dust
storm in Sydney. Oz has always been a lit­tle strange but this is

Stick fig­ure guide to AES. Just what it says. Clear, amus­ing, and educational.

Some damned print­er car­tridge” com­pa­ny put out a series of graphics
that claim to show you what it would take to print the Internet.
Accuracy — I have no idea. Graphics — rockin’

If you don’t want to waste the reams of paper that it would take to
print the inter­net, how about these one page cook­books? The chinese
menu — 1 from col­umn a, 1 from col­umn b, 1 from col­umn c idea applied
to a vari­ety of dish­es. Mostly Indian. Very tasty. (His advice on high
alti­tude pres­sure cook­ing for groups is worth a book­mark as well.)



SGI ris­es like a phoenix… Oh nev­er mind — here’s a mas­sive amount of
com­put­ing pow­er
in a desk­top box for under 10K. Do Want.

I’m not sure why Gizmodo has got a lock on the MSFT Courier news but
here’s the first install­ment in the descrip­tion of the “book­let”
portable device from the depths of Redmond. So this is what Mr. Allard
has been up to. Do Want, even more than the SGI loot above.


Art, Images, Illustration

Who needs world trav­el to make love­ly land­scape art? Bill Guffey sits
at home and roams the world via Google Maps Street View. A naive and
unaf­fect­ed style make these lit­tle gems.

Making a lit­tle land­scape at the base­board lev­el. Or fright­en­ing the
cat. 100+ sticky-backed ant sil­hou­ettes. Lordy do I have to say it
again today? Do Want.

If you’ve always won­dered what hap­pens to all those hub­caps left
for­lorn­ly by the side of the road, won­der no longer. The best of them
end up in the hands of Ptolemy Elrington and get made into these
fab­u­lous crea­tures. Ultimate garage art. (Jay Leno type clean and tidy

Pub signs are cool. The Murphy house needs a pub sign. Here are some
ideas to get the cre­ative types started.


Out the Door

We’re enjoy­ing the last glo­ri­ous hot days of sum­mer. Here’s to the CBs!

hap­py humpday
