Morning Linkage (Oct 9)


The first road cer­ti­fied elec­tric motor­cy­cle. $9,950 will get you the
Zero S or Zero all nice and street legal. There are some nifty tax
breaks as well.

The BMW C1 is back. As an elec­tric. Still laughable.

Concepts cars you’re like­ly to see at the Tokyo motor show this year.
Lots of lit­tle elec­tric urban run-abouts. I’m fas­ci­nat­ed by the
retro-futuristic feel of some of the interiors.

DIY Halloween Edition

Because its Friday and I know you all are plan­ning on spend­ing the
week­end doing up the home­stead for the upcom­ing festivities.

Autonomous rov­ing pump­kin!

Cheaper than a real one. A paper skull for you mantelpiece.

Ultimate pump­kin chuckin’. Today we bomb Carnation, tomor­row the moon.


We bombed the moon. This may have been a mis­take. The com­ments are priceless.

Just so you don’t miss it the .wav file of Marvin scold­ing humanity
for it’s aggres­sive attack.

Art and Images

The man who arguably invent­ed mod­ern fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy is gone. RIP
Irving Penn.

Jim Flora has a be-bop sen­si­bil­i­ty that I love. I swear the drum­mer on
this cal­en­dar is Krupa.

The LOC has put anoth­er set of dig­i­tized images on-line. World War I
from coun­tries on both sides of the con­flict. Detailed
search­ing is avail­able but start­ing here with the select­ed examples
will fill up your morn­ing cof­fee break.

Apropos our favorite cock­tail par­ty/mailing list.

hap­py fri­day darlin’s
