Morning Linkage (Oct 8)


Tea cer­e­monies are not some­thing we often asso­ciate with cus­tom bikes.
Maybe we should.

Old illus­tra­tions of motor­cy­cle from vin­tage books. I’ve already got
an email in to my fav pur­vey­or of old book pr0n.

On auc­tion at Bonhams. A 1954 BSA motor­ized tan­dem bicycle.

More ped­al bike hot­ness. Belt dri­ve town­ie. Almost enough to make me
move to a nice Kirkland con­do. Almost.



Feeling old school today. There was  time when wiring was managed
with­out the help of the plas­tic zip-tie. Linemen and oth­ers created
func­tion­al beau­ty with cable-lacing. I’ll be in my stu­dio lat­er today
try­ing this out.


Art and Images

More old school. Chrome logos from the past. His ‘spas­tic website’
award is in the mail.

Art Nouveau and hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry go well togeth­er. Really. Jean de
Bosschere does Weird Islands, and a lot of oth­er things.

Silly draw­ings for Marmite ads. Proving that a sense of humor can be
an asset in adver­tis­ing. Scroll to num­ber 3 for the dinosaur. Pretty

To hell with Hooters. Titillation is actu­al­ly sexy in these black and
of “old” Las Vegas.

that should make the wait for Friday just a lit­tle easier.
