Morning Linkage (Oct 19)


Grey fog­gy Mondays are a bitch. Here’s a much bet­ter look­ing bitch.

On the elec­tric bike front. The tale of a cou­ple of guys try­ing to get
from Detroit to DC to meet the prez on an Brammo Enertia. Follow their
slow, outlet-to-outlet progress.

Porsche’s fam­i­ly tree in cars and dust. I’m reserv­ing judg­ment on the
Panamera until I’ve seen one in the flesh.

One of the clas­sic Dodge mus­cle car col­ors was ‘that pur­ple’ which it
turns out was called Plum Crazy. Now you can get the new Challenger in
a sim­i­lar paint scheme. Hmmm.

More pur­ple. This time the new Nissan Fairlady. Not only do I love the
name but I think the new car is exact­ly what a new Fairlady should be.

Warren Ellis says nice things about the cam­era work and sound­track on
Top Gear. Then his fans duke it out over the ques­tion of best sound­track
on BBC
, Top Gear or Dr. Who. What?!?

Smithsonian Air and Space has put about half of their col­lec­tion of
avi­a­tion posters on line. 600 images of yum­my fly­ing good­ness.

Piaggio makes the icon­ic Ape three-wheel deliv­ery cart. Here are three
cut, fold, paste mod­els with wit­ty col­or schemes and amus­ing cargo.


Art, Images, Illustration

LAPD made head­lines while inves­ti­gat­ing the theft of Warhol’s athlete
series. They have a large, com­pre­hen­sive web­site. Including a section
devot­ed to the Art Theft Detail.  Here’s all the back­ground on the
theft and dozens more.

Storyboards are an essen­tial tool for the film indus­try. An interview
with Federico D’Allesanro who did many of the boards for Where the
Wild Things Are. Including a walk through of cre­at­ing the sto­ry boards
for the dirt clods scene.

Fauns are tra­di­tion­al­ly depict­ed as male. This girl faun cre­at­ed by
John Malloy for an album cov­er tick­les my fancy.

Milo Manara’s his­to­ry of man dio­ra­ma is over­whelm­ing­ly about who
fought who and who did who. NSFW but worth a cof­fee break out­side to
peer and gig­gle through the ages.

Ben Kehoe’s naive paint­ings (and comics.) Teddy R, buf­fa­lo, and frogs. Uh huh.


Stop motion using huge card­board cutouts and urban landscapes.

Impossible Cool. Crosby.

Happy Monday campers.
