Morning Linkage (Oct 13)


I was all het up to be able to bring you pic­tures of the 2010 Ducati
Stradaperta. Okay, so now you know what the head­light looks like. Not good.

Life mag­a­zine brings you a col­lec­tion of pho­tographs of space­craft
. From the sweet­ly adorable NASA  wood­en lunar mod­ule that opens
the set to the nee­dle shaped shut­tle from When Worlds Collide


Art and Images

A review of xkcd: vol­ume 0. Tons of peo­ple will be get­ting and giving
this com­ic col­lec­tion for the holidays.

So you’re stand­ing in Borders look­ing at the New Releases in Paperback
dis­play, have you ever won­dered where the art for the cov­ers comes
from? There’s a guy in Russia who will cre­ate the cov­er art and
mar­ket­ing images for your mas­ter­piece, for $750. Here’s a gallery of
94 of his images. Mouse over the image for the title (in English) of
the book. You’ll rec­og­nize a lot of them.

Speaking of books, Mutt Ink has a new book out, There was an Old Lady.
Which leads us to his port­fo­lio page for chil­drens books. Tasty lines,
mut­ed col­or and sly humor.

Jen Lobo has a revamped web­site. Whimsical ani­mal paint­ings that
ref­er­ence famil­iar stories.

Cafe Racer Society brings us two of Ralph Steadman’s (of Hunter S
Thompson fame) images fea­tur­ing motor­cy­cles.

Mike Stillkey has new work that sits hap­pi­ly next to Steadman’s
car­i­ca­tures. Angular, angsty peo­ple liv­ing in a not quite hostile
world. His cats look sleek and curi­ous.



Milton Glaser talks about draw­ing as a way of observ­ing the
world, while draw­ing a por­trait. He starts with the eye­brows. hmmm.

Laugh out loud fun­ny. A love sto­ry about two squid (and skinny
deliv­ery dri­ver.) French short film that was nom­i­nat­ed for an Oscar.

Stormy Tuesday? That’s not quite right.
