Morning Linkage (Oct 12)


Monday Morning Jump Start. First use of a Lambo to video/chase another
Lambo? Turn it up.

Sweet lit­tle essay on very ear­ly rac­ing. A cou­ple of nice pics too.

Wrench Monkees is teas­ing with peepshow pic­tures of the next cou­ple of

Very nice retro restora­tion of a Honda CB450.

Book end­ing the black Lamborghini, this CBR900 in black, black, and more black.


Culture and Fashion

A curat­ed and anno­tat­ed col­lec­tion of 19th Century images of women.
Beauty, Virtue, and Vice.

A 70’s use of the female image to sell gad­gets. Like you thought this
was a new thing. The image is SFW. The CG page men­tions porn sites.
Any links you fol­low from here are like­ly VNSFW.

Zombies offi­cial­ly jumped the shark, maybe sev­er­al sharks, when they
get used as props in a Harper’s Bazaar fash­ion shot.

Today’s shoe link.


Art and Images

God Dog. Nuff said.

Work done with a palette knife in oils is not grab­bing the attention
of the image and design hunters like it should. These Leonid Afremov’s
will remind you why the tech­nique deserves to be revived.

An ABC of cities drawn from Google street view images. Lesser known
cities are cho­sen so the images may be new to you.

Vania Zouravliov works in ink and pen­cil. Eastern European influences
com­bine with mod­ern graph­ic nov­el sto­ry telling to cre­ate qui­et­ly
images. Some NSFW.


Definition of Cool.


have a decent Monday darlings,
