Morning Linkage (Nov 26)


What hap­pens when a Road Star eats too much pie before bed? It dreams of get­ting that rad­i­cal face lift and look­ing like this. Go ahead and click through for the tech­ni­cal details but the jar­ring col­or con­trast with the magen­ta biki­ni might ruin your appetite.

More sooth­ing­ly this Astin Martin DB4 GT is the treat.

LDS appar­ent­ly means Lambo Style Doors. Whatever. This lit­tle  Alfa Mito is too dang cute.

Radical Ducati out of Madrid presents this trib­ute to the Ducati 750 SS Imola. Unusual in it’s very mod­ern feel.

Christmas is com­ing just around the turn of the cal­en­dar page. Prezzies for your Ducatisti friends are gonna be easy this year as Pro Italia now has an online Ducati gift store.

No mat­ter how stymied you are for a present for your weird Uncle George don’t fall for this.


Art of the Moto

One of things I love about the guys at Wrench Monkees is that they active­ly encour­age artists to use their bikes as mod­els. Damien Kurth does a sim­ple col­ored pen­cil sketch.

Urban Sketchers has a moto theme as well. João Catarino bor­rowed a bike from a fel­low teacher and set it up in the mid­dle of his life draw­ing class. Nice two col­or ren­der­ing of the stu­dents hard at work.



Obligatory geeky Thanksgiving joke. Pie Crust. From Toothpaste for Dinner.

I’m off do the last bit of cook­ing. You all have a good Turkey Day.
