Morning Linkage (Nov 21)

Bonus time-waster Saturday edition.



Go Karts are the ulti­mate form of rac­ing. But grownups look a lit­tle sil­ly squished into their tiny frames. Just ask Schumacher and Piquet.


The World.

Gawker pull quote of the day. Tina on Lisa and Sarah. (Put the cof­fee down.)

And those tricky Canadians are men­ac­ing our neigh­bor­hoods again.


Stuff (on my Christmas List)

Lego. Paper. Possibilities.

Not quite the car­niv­o­rous ide­al but baby vam­pire rings? Yup, that’ll do nice­ly. They come as a pair, but who to share with?

Not an Powerbook own­er but I know some­one this stick­er that takes advan­tage of the glow­ing apple would suit. vinylville has oth­er designs as well.



Elvis Costello’s Spectacle is one of the fresh­est music shows for old geeks like me. A new sea­son is start­ing up on Dec 9. On the same day you’ll be able to buy a box set of the first sea­son. (Maybe this should have been filed in On my Christmas List?)


Art, Design, Architecture

Most of these clever stair cas­es would­n’t pass code inspec­tion any­where in Pugetopolis. Yet anoth­er rea­son to be a pirate builder.

Today’s street art begins with a mur­al in Oaxaca by Argentinian Gualicho.

More walls by Gualicho here. (One or two mon­sters may be con­sid­ered NSFW.)

Dan23 has a sten­cil based style that has got­ten him com­mis­sions for wall decor in sev­er­al venues. His por­traits are espe­cial­ly nice.

Shag has a show open­ing at the Corey Herford Gallery. 4 pieces are fea­tured on his web­site. So 50s, so bebop. Yeah, yeah. Mad Men and all that. This is the real deal.

Ty Wilkins has a cou­ple of new illos. This fox looks like a clever fel­low. Spend some time with his more com­mer­cial work as well. (Click ‘Browse’ in the header.)

Urban sketch­ers for this week­end. SF Chinatown described as “the most European” part of the city. Whatever. The black and white scenes sketched at night ring true none-the-less.


Animation and Video

Live Music is the first “crowd sourced” ani­ma­tion. Very much in the clas­sic Disney style. There’s a brief expla­na­tion of how the process worked and the trail­er for the­atri­cal release of the short. I’ll look for the full ver­sion on-line when it releas­es; chances are not good that I’m not going to pay to see Planet51 just to see this in a theater.

Stop motion and paper craft make this grue­some lit­tle dit­ty. Slightly more real­is­tic than South Park grue­some — there are heads used as soc­cer balls here.

Unicornfish chas­er. Just what it says — some­thing to cleanse the reti­nas after Videogioco.

And that’s your Saturday after­noon gone.
