A lovely trio of two and three wheel toys. There’s something about the
dreamy 50’s pastel style that I like so much.
Not quite toys but wicked fun looking little bikes. Why don’t we get
these sorts of things in the USA? And who writes KTM’s press releases?
Not good.
A world speed record holding boat has been bought by Sea Shepherd for
use “against” the Japanese whaling fleet this season. Whatever your
opinion of Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd group this boat is just
plain cool. (Too bad it’s going to get smashed to little bits.)
The use of video in recreating accidents has come a long way since the
early toy cars and painted lines era. This (one of several) video
recreation of the events of Flight 1549 is jaw dropping.
The science of forecasting is fraught. BBC takes a look at the
similarities between weather forecasting and epidemiological
forecasting. You can get the jist from the write up. (Can someone find
a link to the full length TV report?)
I’m including this shallow little piece from Autopia solely for the
purpose of introducing a new term/concept. Dog-Whistle Taste. Snort.
A case study in the question of causality vs. correlation vs
coincidence. The production of good rock and roll leads the
production of oil.
Cartography in service of roller coaster thrills. Boin- Boing points
to a site full of maps of theme parks. Some of them are lovely. The
site index isn’t much to look at but random clicking is fun.
Anyone who’s spent much time in the world of manga knows what hentai
means but few casual users fully understand the icongraphy and slang
that is used in the Japanese versions and just how hentai much of the
seemingly innocent work passed around is. Hush (artist) is opening a
show in London this weekend that explores the issue.
You can get a look at more of his subversive work on:
Very silly Discovery Channel spot “The World is Just Awesome” part 2. Yay!
A special birthday today. Grace Kelly. Class all the way.
is it Thursday already?