Morning Linkage (Jul 28)

If you don’t go any fur­ther this morn­ing, go here. Not only is this
exhib­it on the top­ic of gov­ern­ment pro­pa­gan­da time­less but the
pro­duc­tion val­ues for the web­site encour­age exact­ly the kind of
explo­ration the top­ic deserves.

On with the show.

What to do with a sane but ugly vehi­cle. Smart TwoTipping. Because
there aren’t enough cows in Amsterdam for a prop­er round of cow

A nicer design for an insane sport. Ice rac­ing. The video linked at
the bot­tom isn’t worth your time.

From the sleek to the ungain­ly. You all have seen the EVE and all the
oth­er hot machines from Oshkosh. Here’s my favorite. Elvis.

Elvis is entire­ly func­tion­al design and ugly as sin. Here’s a bit of
func­tion­al design that’s eas­i­er on the eyes. The ori­gin and mean­ing of
the TV test pattern.

Because the blue rat is cute and the arti­cle con­tains the following
quote: “One of the rea­sons no one had done this before is that food
sci­ence is very sep­a­rate from neu­ro­science,” PETA rants will be

On to the arts:

Three short sto­ries from the Big Picture. The first one about a bride
cross­ing the Israeli-Syrian bor­der is manip­u­la­tive IMO. The second
about the plight of albi­nos in Tanzania is trag­ic and under reported
except as a “in odd news today” way. The third sto­ry — the one I’d
real­ly like to link to sep­a­rate­ly — is about the “Sea Gypsies” in
Borneo. So damned much smil­ing in one place. You can’t help but have a
bet­ter day.

Merce Cunningham has died at the age of 90.

I was all up for grab­bing a plane down to LA tomor­row for the Secret
Identity: (The Fetish Art of Superman’s Co-Creator Joe Shuster) Party.
Until I saw that I’d have to deal with the past their pull by date
Suicide Girls. I’ll just post a book review when my copy gets here.

Here’s a pho­tog­ra­ph­er Madame Peripetie (prac­ti­cal­ly anony­mous) whose
work I find intrigu­ing but often inex­plic­a­ble, per­haps dense beyond my

Not my design but going on the stu­dio wall as an inspriation.

And to leave you hap­py. Maurice Sendak talks to/about Spike Jonze
mak­ing where the Wild Things Are.

More tomor­row,
