We’ve all seen the pictures of the motorcycle tow truck. Here’s the
website of the manufacturer (now in English) Truly cool.
Audrey Kawasaki’s custom painted helmet for the CELERITAS charity
auction. Is a gentle tribute to pretty girls and weird skull-moth
bugs? Anyway, I like it. (Follow her links to other helmets too.)
I love this too. Jim hates it. More cage pr0n. I’d give you guys bike
porn but it there’s so little of it with decent production values. Yes
I know about bike EXIF. Anything else?
A couple of illustration/‘cartoon links.
For the fashion aware. A brilliant summation of Ed Hardy from a Core77 reader.
NSFW but worth putting a star next to for later today. Robert Ullman’s
Atom Bomb Bikini. Dude has a sense of humor and great chops.
Take vintage postcards add robots and big bug-eyed monsters. Uneven
execution but there are some great ones. Like this one with the dog.
A not so alien creature making a possible comeback in China. Cute baby
‘gator pictures and video of crating and shipping alligators then
releasing them into the wild. No, really, alligators and crates.
Making things:
A list of essential maker skills. More better in the comments too.
(Way too heavy on the electronics and not enough fabrication IMO.)
Now go fabricate some home-made ice cream sandwiches. Yum.
Lies, damned lies, and statics. Another attempt at displaying the
state of the world graphically and explaining what it means.
Same guy also does weather data — not quite as usefully but it’s still fun.
Coilhouse has a massive collection of links for the Crucible Fire Arts
Fest. (This weekend for those of you in the more southerly latitudes.)
Lastly a little bit of sci-fi (spelled properly) about dinosaurs and
guns and monster trucks and a bunch of other stuff. 10-minute read,
20-minute giggle.
more tomorrow,